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Community & Advocacy

3 Important Actions to Takeaway from the 2016 NAMA DC Fly-in

Another year marks the annual DC Fly-in for supporting the micro market community

Elyssa Allahyar-Steiner, VP of Sales, and Stu Case, Account Manager, represented Avanti Markets and the industry at the recent 2016 NAMA DC Fly-In. Here are some important takeaways from their experience at this important advocacy event.

This past NAMA DC Fly-In event was an incredibly impactful and inspirational event for many reasons; however, one of the overarching themes that resonated most was just how much of significant effect events like this have not just for the individuals that personally attend, but for the entire industry!

One of the reasons that makes this industry so unique is the fact that individuals from all different types of organizations such as operators, suppliers, and manufacturers all come together for one common goal. The NAMA DC Fly-In allows the industry to come together to show support and how much they care about the industry for the greater good of everyone. This incredible bond is what makes this industry so special.

While specific issues at hand are essential, this past NAMA DC Fly-In highlighted just how individuals can take action to positively impact change. Here are three important actions you can personally take away from this event:

  • EDUCATE: WE, as an industry must educate others on the issues and regulations that continue to change our future, positive or negative. Use NAMA and your friends in the industry. Remember: we are all ‘a page in the encyclopedia of our industry’!
  • ADVOCATE: WE, as an industry must get involved in advocacy outside of the NAMA DC Fly-In. Participate in your state councils and invite your local district offices or congressmen to visit your company.
  • BUILD: WE, are a growing and large industry. Regardless of your personal organization, when placed together, we are all greater together. Our Congress men and women want to hear from us. Build a relationship with your local elected officials just as you have created relationships with each person in this industry.

The NAMA DC Fly-In is an opportunity that brings these three forces together. It is where we see the biggest power of all, starting with our PEOPLE, advocating for our industry, and it can’t be done without everyone within the industry doing their part and stepping up to participate.

Friends, Colleagues and Industry Affiliates:

Please join Avanti Markets in making a pledge to this amazing industry by pledging to foster education among industry affiliations, getting involved in local state associations and reaching out to all the legislative groups. We greatly encourage all of you and your emerging leaders to also take this pledge with us.
Are you an operator? Learn more information and join our network here.

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